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Selwyn Artists Collective

About the Selwyn Artists Collective...


The Selwyn Artists Collective is a group for practicing artists in the Selwyn District to meet and to provide encouragement, inspiration, information and connection to one another, by discussing:

· their work in progress, techniques, inspiration;

· practical matters such as exhibiting, working with galleries, promotion;

· opportunities and resources such as exhibitions, courses, books, etc.


Meet Ups and Field Trips


The collective usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Te Huanui Gallery in Darfield (Check the Facebook Page for any changes). At other times the group meets up to view exhibitions, or go on field trips to do some sketching/painting/photography together. Selwyn Artists Collective has an active members only Facebook page where artists connect and share ideas and opportunities with each other.


How to Join


The collective welcomes practicing artists at any stage in their career or professional artistic journey. The different skills, artistic mediums, levels of experience and areas of expertise makes the group vibrant and supportive.


It is a very relaxed group and all activities and initiatives are run by members. Joining is free, and there's no sign up form. Members take part in what they can, when they can. The idea is for artists to connect, share and support each other in their art practice.


If you have any questions, or want to become a part of this supportive group, you can email the collective at: or find the group on Facebook.


Find the Selwyn Artists Collective on Facebook



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